Thursday, November 18, 2010

Poor Puppy :(

My poor little Paris and I had a rough night last night.

She's always been a little sickly since I got her. Note, the little sickly. She eats, she plays, she loves. But she has always had a problem digesting food well. She always had diarrhea at least once a day - normally right before bedtime. At times it looked like it was getting better, and I was relieved. Unfortunately, it started getting worse again these past few days. And it didn't help that she threw up more than you could ever have thought would fit inside her little stomach.

After last night and this morning, I called the vet and took her in. They said that she could have something wrong with her colon or small intestine - the most common reason for chronicle diarrhea. But in order to do tests and diagnose her, they have to keep her for a couple of days. I'm gonna be awfully lonely :(

However, they literally just called me and said that they are 95% sure they found the problem - she has coccidia. This is a parasitic disease that is in the small intestine. It's very common in puppies because of their underdeveloped immune system. Some other causes are stressors such as new owners, travel and weather changes. According to Wikipedia, symptoms in young dogs are universal: at some point around 2-3 months of age, an infected dog develops persistently loose stools and diarrhea.Other symptoms may include poor appetite, vomiting, and dehydration. Coccidia infection is so common that any pup under 4 months old with these symptoms can almost surely be assumed to have coccidiosis.

The good news: it's easily treated by relatively inexpensive drugs. The bad news: they want to still keep her for a few days to insure that's what it is.

So the next couple of days are going to be quiet around the apartment, but I'm so relieved that she's getting treated and will be back home soon :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dance class?

So I've been doing a lot of sitting around at home lately. It's a hard thing to get used to since I've spent the last 22 years running from one activity to another with barely any breathing room. I get bored, I watch way too much tv, and I feel my muscles getting lazy. Yes, I have Paris to go on walks with and take to the dog park, and yes, she does definitely wear me out sometimes, but it's just not the same.

So while I was sitting at home, I was thinking of something I could do and here's a little idea I've been playing with:

Tap dance classes.

Here's what I'm thinking: I took 15 years of dance. FIFTEEN years! And in all of those 15 years, tap was always my favorite. I did my first dance solo via a tap dance. Amy and I did a tap duet. My last year, I was the Riverdance soloist (one of the most experienced dances in the whole school and something I had been striving for for as long as I can remember). I love tap dancing.

I had been thinking about joining a gym, but this just sounds like so much more fun! And why not? It's still an amazing workout, my legs will get strong and toned again, I'll be doing something I love, and I'll meet new people! Most importantly, I'll be dance again. And that makes me extremely happy.

So what do you think? Is it something you think I should look into? Let me know :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hellooo fall

First and foremost, I absolutely LOVE this weather! Fall is by far my favorite time of year and I'm so glad it's finally here! It's so beautiful outside! I love cooler weather (See, Amy? I said cooler and not cold because I know it's way colder where you are!) And thankfully, Momo came to Fort Worth for a day and we went grown up/winter clothes shopping! Yesss! What perfect zoo weather :)

Paris also adores the cooler weather, too (she's the new dog park favorite). Sometimes a little too much because she could spend all day outside and I cannot. It makes me want a yard so stinkin badly. Or at least to live on the first floor so Paris and I didn't have to walk down three stories of stairs to get to the yard. Sometimes she doesn't hold it all the way down :-/ the pee pads on the balcony were definitely a good idea in theory and sometimes in practice (it works whens she pees right on it. Not so much when she poops not on it. Gross) but it's just not fair for her or for me. But I'm here until May, so I better get used to it, huh? Maybe I can train her to pee on the pads on the balcony and poop outside in the yard. That'd be best. At least now I have her on a regular eating schedule, so I'll definitely have to pay attention to when she eats and when she needs to poop so I can take her down. At least the accidents inside have decreased SO much!

Now back to what this post is about: It's the middle of the semester and I'm still doing the internship thing. Not much has changed except now I need to start looking for legit (aka: paying) jobs again. Awesome. So if you have any leads and such, please share!

Not much else to say. My life is extremely boring these days (except for Paris who wears me out sometimes). Now I leave you with these halloween pictures:

 carving pumpkins!
 Paris helped out, too
 isn't she so cute as a bat?!
 my scary pumpkin!
Amanda's snow white, Catie's spider and my scary