But I suppose I could catch you bloggers up on the journey I am continuously on (and can't seem to get off and settled).
Momo and I took a trip to Washington DC so I could sit down and talk to a few Texas representatives on Capitol Hill about job possibilities. DC was never the absolute top place I wanted to end up, but as I'm sure everyone out there has heard: "it's not what you know, it's who you know" and I knew a few people up there. Or rather, I knew one person who knew another who helped me get in contact with a few more (Ahh, the connections we have in life). So, to DC we went!
Momo and me at the zoo!
Outside the nation's capitol!
The trip went well. I met some great contacts, got some great advice. But...I decided DC isn't the place for me. I loved the city and loved visiting, but I don't want to do any more than that. I'm so glad we went, because now I know for sure, but I'm bummed that the search continues. I have faith, though. It's a dwindling faith, but faith nonetheless.
But the summer isn't such a dud -- I'm definitely making the most of it. I spent a few days at home before DC, went to DC, spent a week in the Fort, another week at home, a road trip with my favorite Amanda Garrison to see my other favorite Stacey Mallory (with the puppies, of course), and now I'm packing for a week in Wyoming and Montana! And maybe a few days in Denver at the end of the month/beginning of August? Yes, definitely making the most of this unemployment. If only I had more funds to pad everything along.
So, like the title says, the search continues. But until then, I'm filling my days with best friends, applying for more jobs (the head hunter who's helping is a major plus, too), and who knows, maybe start writing a novel? hmm ;)
Now, just to catch you up:
My new apartment which I simply ADORE
Momo and me again in DC
Brobro, Paris and me
Visiting Stacey in Knoxville!